Our Impact
It is important to recognize the full impact of the Festival on the community. In totaling the dollars earned by event crews and dividing this number by the number of working hours that would create a full time job, we can calculate that 24 full time jobs were created on site and in the community as a result of the Festival.
Further, the event received millions of impressions, page views and followers via social media, really exemplifying the massive reach of this year’s Festival.
Data Analysis
Festival Attendees
Estimated 15,000+ Attendees
Attendee demographic (Eventbrite)
93% of attendees came from out-of-town
10,889 out-of-town attendees recorded
11,687 total attendees recorded (Eventbrite)
Number includes children who did not have to buy tickets, and tickets that were not scanned at gate
Festival Growth Rate
3,500/4K (2021)
15,000 Attendees (2022)
328% growth rate from 1st to 2nd festival
Attendee Spending at Festival
$20 ticket
Average $22 spent/attendee
$42 total per attendee
15,000 attendees X $42 (average $ spent per attendee at festival including ticket and food) = $630,000 Estimated $ spent by attendees at festival
Visitor Spending
(External of Festival)
10,889 out-of-town attendees x $52.60 (estimated $ spent on meals outside festival - CHS per diem meal rate) =
$572,761.40 estimated spending on meals outside of festival
We can assume for non-partner hotels (not recorded in survey):
$228/1 hotel stay (CHS April per diem lodging rate) X 10,794 (out-of-town attendees - visitors who stayed in partner hotels) = $2,482,692
$2,482,692/3 people (2 adults, 1 kid) = $827,564 estimated spending in lodging
Partner Hotel stays:
78 rooms total X 225/night - $17,500
17 rooms total X 225/night - $3,825
$21,325 Total $ Spent Lodging (Partner Hotels)
Total $ Spent on Lodging:
$2,482,692 ($ spent at non-partner hotels)+ 21,325 ($ spent at partner hotels) = $2,504,017 Estimated Total $ Spent on Lodging
Vendor Experience
Vendor Experience
38 food vendors
5 dessert food vendors
43 total vendors
$7,968 average gross sales by food vendors
$7,676 average gross sales by dessert vendors
$7,968 (average gross sales by food vendors) X 38 (food vendors) = $302,784
$7,676 (average gross sales by dessert vendors) X 5 (dessert vendors) = $38,380
$302,784 (gross sales by food vendors) + $38,380 (gross sales by dessert vendors) = $341,164 Estimated Gross
Sales by Vendors
95% vendors would be interested in participating again
Jobs created from Festival
$47,317.84 dollars to event crews /1,920 (amount of working hours that would create 1 full time jobs) = 24 full time jobs created on site and in community
Online Presence
Facebook Impressions
1,057,387 Impressions
6,700 Facebook followers
85,687 clicks
13,000 accounts reached
127K pageviews
79K visits
Charleston, SC April Per Diem Rates-
Lodging rate: $228
Meal rate: $26.3/meal (assume 2 meals outside of festival)